Luftrum new Kontakt Library

Last Updated on May 13, 2017 by IDS Team

Luftrum – sound designer known by his ambient patch libraries for Thor, Diva, Omnisphere, Animoog and others is releasing his first Kontakt instrument: Lunaris.

Lunaris is a 5GB Kontakt instrument containing pads only from cinematic underscoring pads to classic analog pads over rhythmic pad to deep ambient pads and any pads in between. Lunaris contains 100 multisampled 24bit pad sources (1/3 of those are Luftrum pads from the Prophet-6) and 100 overtone topping layers of field recordings, synth transients and synth soundscapes that can be combined and mixed via the four layers in Lunaris, to create and sculpt the perfect pad structure.

Shape the sound with the Time Stop knob, that freezes the pad in time and space or further tweak it with the two new innovative features as the Flux Motion that generates slow random motion to the filter, amplitude and panning and the Filter Split that intelligently sort the active filters in different bands, to prevent muddiness and clashing of frequencies. Create and save your own favorite synth pad presets or load one of the presets included with the library.

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