Last Updated on August 17, 2020 by
A new module for VCV rack – Floats is a Make Noise Maths emulation. Unlike most of VCV modules this module is not free and costs $35
Floats is a module that can become anything with creative patching, but its three main uses are as an envelope, LFO, and audio rate oscillator. As an audio rate oscillator, Floats is antialiased through the whole audio range resulting in a stable and warm timbre.
As an LFO, Floats can reach times as low as 8.5 hours per cycle! Floats can also be used as a mixer, logic comparator, clock source, envelope follower, low pass gate, complex oscillator, and gate delay. Those and many other uses are covered in the online manual.
Floats also fixes the common complaints musicians have with West Coast slope generators. Floats has a snappy attack time of less than 1 millisecond when the maximum fall time is set to 30 minutes while other slope generators have sluggish attack times with fall times set to 60 seconds. The shape knob only changes the shape of the oscillation, and not the rate of the oscillation. The exponential input tracks V/OCT perfectly over a 20 octave range from -10 Volts to 10 Volts
You can purchase Floats here for $35
See also:
3 best sounding Eurorack emulations