Last Updated on December 29, 2020 by IDS Team
Native Instruments has posted on their forum announcement of new functionality they are adding to Maschine.
As for today most of Maschine users creating track sketches in Maschine and exporting stems/audio/midi into other DAW for further arrangement/processing.
Maschine sequencer – from capturing ideas to the full track
One of the mid-term goals for Native Instruments is to “support the full workflow from capturing first ideas to sketching a song arrangement”.
In v.2.4.6 Maschine Sequencer was updated to support Scene Length (independently from the Clip Length – before that Scene length was equal to longest clip in the scene).
The next improvement to be added is called Linked Scenes.
“This will allow Scenes to be inserted into the arrangement multiple times, and changes in one of the linked Scenes (or instances of the Scene, if you like) will be mirrored in the other linked Scenes. With one press of a button, a linked Scene can be turned into a “unique” Scene, i.e. new Patterns are generated on all Groups and the Scene is unlinked, but contains exactly the events of the linked Scene – and can be edited on its own from then on. We are implementing this feature in a way that it is unobtrusive to existing workflows of Scene duplication etc.”
Song Layer and Song Clips
The next step will be adding Song Layer – a new layer on top of the Scene arranger where Song clips can be placed independent from the Scene boundaries. So Scenes would contain patterns. And Song contains Song Clips. Pattern can be turned into Song Clip.
As mentioned on the forum – all these new adjustments are being tested by small group of beta testers. I expect new Song Layer to be available in next major Maschine update 2.5. And maybe NI finally introduce new hardware – to respond Ableton Push 2 and MPC Touch.