Last Updated on December 22, 2020 by IDS Team
First Eurorack Plugin authorized by Doepfer and Intellijel
Buchla and Moog started with modular synthesizers in 1960s and Doepfer made it affordable in 1990s by introducing the Eurorack standard.
Softube has introduced Modular – their own take on Eurorack bringing unique expandable VST instrument with almost unlimited possibilities.
Softube has great experience on emulating hardware gear – from guitar amps to high-end compressors and vintage EQs. Even some DAWs – Ableton Live and Propellerhead Reason have Softube modules embedded out-of-the-box. Their work with Tube-Tech is probably one of the best and closest mixing gear emulation you can find in VST. With all that experience you can expect highest quality of their new plugins.
Unlimited options of rewiring modules with feedback loops and cross modulations was always stopper for faithful modulation of Eurorack systems.
However Softube managed to get a truly analog sound – the sound of its oscillators and filters is amazing. But beyond that you can do everything you can imagine in Eurorack with feedback loops, modulation and audio-rate modulation as well – simply connect audio output of one of your modules into the input of another module.
With DC-coupled audio interface you can send CV signals from the Softube modular right into your modular rig.
Modules that are already presented in Softube Modular would cost you at least $2000 (without the case and power) if you’re making your own Eurorack. But the beauty of the software emulations is that you can add multiple copies of the module – I have not seen Euroracks that have let’s say two Korgasmatrons and three Rubicons… but you can easily do that in Softube Modular.
In Softube Modular basic system contains six Doepfer modules (A-110-1 VCO, A-108 VCF, A-132-3 Dual VCA, A-140 ADSR, A-118 Noise/Random, A-147 VCLFO)
Basic system also contains over 20 Utility modules (such as MIDI to CV/gate, mixers, slew, sample & hold, switches, multiples, delay, offset, sequencers, clock dividers, logic and signal tools, as well as a Polyphonic MIDI to CV/gate module).
Additional authorized emulations from Intellijel is available as add-ons (uFold II, Korgasmatron II, Rubicon).
What’s next?
- Sound is very close to the real Eurorack
- Unlimited modulation options
- New modules come in future releases
- Hearbeat users got drum modules in Modular
- Up-to 4 voices polyphony support (via MIDI-CV notes distributor)
- CPU hungry (due to the complex mathematics and upsampling – that’s the price of good sound quality)
- No modules drag’n’drop
- Very basic sequencing abilities
- Native Instruments Reaktor Blocks
- Arturia Modular V (emulation of Moog Modular system)
- Moog Model 15 (iOS app)