MaschineR Jam – Control Reason from Maschine Jam

Last Updated on May 27, 2017 by IDS Team

Retouch Control has introduced MaschineR Jam – software package to provide full control of Propellerhead Reason and Reason devices via Native Instruments Maschine Jam controller. 

Retouch Control already released software that allows controlling Reason from Ableton Push, NI Maschine and Maschine Studio, iPad. Today they’ve introduced ultimate controller-kit for Maschine Jam – which takes features you would expect from Maschine Jam: drums (Kong and Redrum) controller and sequencer, mixer controller, devices parameter controller etc. and pushes the concept further with some innovative ways to play with instruments like Animoog-like keyboard – you can play notes with touch strips of Jam controller and use Y-position on the touchstrip as a Mod-wheel. Though it might work well only in monophonic mode as Reason doesn’t have proper MPE support. 

Learn more at Retouchcontrol website

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